In shoe illustration articles, you learned: rendering buffed leather, patentleather, rendering suede, woven fabrics, satin, canvas, rendering fur.
Now I teach you how to render beading in shoe illustration:

Important points in rendering beading

Beading is popular for wedding and evening shoes.
The illustrated beads should look dimensional, not simply like a flat pattern.

Rendering beading in bride shoe design
Render beading in shoe design

The shoe featured was drawn in graphite. It was then colored in Photoshop by adding a transparent color shape over the shoe silhouette created by masking out the beading and lining shapes.
This image was drawn for a bridal footwear sale.

Initial sketch and shadows

Initial sketch in rendering beading
STEP 1- initial sketch and shadows

STEP 1-Begin with a smooth-edge drawing with a hard pencil.
Roughly lay in your shadows with graphite pencil,
drawing guidelines with an extra-hard pencil to line up the beads.
Using a fine-line black marker and a shape template, draw the outline of the beads.
Begin to render the dark, reflective shadows on the beads using repetition.

completing colors and designs scan

colors in render beading
STEP 2-scan the completed value drawing

STEP 2-Apply marker color or scan the completed value drawing onto your computer for colorizing.

Shoe illustration and add highlights
render beading
STEP 3- Add highlight

STEP 3-Finish by adding highlights with Pro White paint on the highlight side of the beads using repetition to communicate a strong light reflection.
Add a few quasars (star-shaped reflections) for added emphasis or glitz.
tips: You can also do all these changes with hand.
You can see my designs sample in my Instagram page: @Nhashemi.shoe.designer

In this article you read step by step method of rendering beading that is one of the important materials in shoe design and illustration.
Now please practice rendering satin for being expert .
For having more specialized learning, you can use educational videos like The Basics of Visual Arts in Shoe Design , The Color Basics and Creativity in Shoe Design.
Please share your comments with me.


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